Grants and Contracts

LFCS and its clients benefit from the generosity of so many caring individuals and organizations each year. Grants are one way that organizations can channel their generosity to worthwhile LFCS programs.

LFCS also enters into contracts with public agencies, for services to be provided to vulnerable children and families in Missouri. Grant and contract partnerships allow LFCS to provide high quality services for low or no service fees.

For Missouri families who are impoverished, this can mean the difference between getting help and not getting help. We value all partnerships and are proud to list our supporting partners below:

Private Foundation Support
Cook Foundation
Emerson Charitable Trust
Episcopal Presbyterian Health Trust
Festival of Sharing
Herman T. Pott and Phenie R. Pott Foundation
Jefferson Foundation
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Domestic Development Grant Program
Nuessli Fund
O’Reilly Auto Parts
Ozark Health Advocacy Foundation
Sidener Foundation
Stanley and Elaine Ball Foundation

United Way Affiliations
Franklin County Area United Way
Heart of Missouri United Way
United Way of Greater St. Louis
United Way of the Ozarks
United Way of Southeast Missouri

City/County-Level Contracted Services
Boone County Children’s Services Board
Cape Girardeau County Mental Health Mill Tax Board
Children’s Services Fund of Jackson County
City of St. Louis Mental Health Board
Franklin County Children and Families Community Resource Board
Jefferson County Mental Health Fund Board
Perry County Youth Tax Board
St. Charles County Community and Children’s Resource Board
St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund 

State-Level Contracted Services and Projects

Children’s Trust Fund

    Missouri Office of Administration
Alternatives to Abortion Program

  Missouri Department of Social Services
Foster Care Case Management (PARTNERS collaboration)
Foster Care/Adoption Resource Services – Training and Consultation
Home Visitation Contract

Youth Opportunities Program
Pregnancy Resource Center Tax Credits