Hoping to Adopt

Hoping to grow your family through adoption? Determining the type of adoption that fits best is often the first step.  Below is a brief description of how LFCS can support families through the various types of adoption.


LFCS Program Adoption

A LFCS Program Adoption is the service that provides the most comprehensive support to families pursing domestic adoption.  The fee for this service is based on a sliding scale in order to keep adoption affordable for many families.  Services include:  home assessment and education, opportunity for potential match possibilities with birth parents working with LFCS, facilitation of planning for placement, support during placement of a child, post placement supervision, and support through the entire process and beyond.

Families interested in adopting through the LFCS Infant Adoption Program must meet the following criteria at the time of application:

  • Between 25 – 45 years of age
  • Legally married for a minimum of 2 years if adopting as a couple
  • At least one parent is a US Citizen and MO Resident
  • Applicant has no child under the age of 1 year old
  • If there is a history of a serious physical or mental health condition, the applicant(s) have a good health standing for 3 years based on a physician’s assessment
  • Applicant must have steady employment and adequate income to support the family

Adoptive Parent Inquiry Packet


Agency Assisted or Independent Adoption

These services are for families who are pursing adoption and have or plan to be connected with a birth family through a manner outside of LFCS.  This includes connections through other agencies (both domestic and intercountry), attorneys, personal contacts, or other adoption services.  LFCS can provide local support through our services to any Missouri family regardless of the location of their other service provider.  Services include:  home assessment and education, assisting attorneys with the process, and post placement supervision. We also offer a menu of other support options if a family would like more involvement of the agency.

Assisted/Independent Adoption Packet


Relative and Step-Parent Adoption

The requirements for relative and step-parent adoption can vary somewhat from county to county in Missouri.  LFCS will confirm with your attorney what is required for the finalization of your case.  Services include:  home assessment and education and post placement supervision.


Embryo Adoption

LFCS can assist families who are pursuing embryo adoption to grow their family through home study services and education.  If the family would like more support from the agency, we offer a menu of additional services that can be provided based on each family’s individual needs.


Children from the Foster Care System

Families exploring adoption may consider adoption from the foster care system.  LFCS provides information to families regarding this option to assist them in determining the best path for their family.  The State of Missouri will manage cases for families who choose to pursue this route.


For questions or additional information please call 866-326-LFCS (5327) or email us today.