Portraits of Grace: Older Children Needing Forever Homes
Portraits of Grace is a movable tower that showcases the older children who are available for adoption. These kids really need a forever home. If you are in the neighborhood, please come to our lobby on the ... [Read More]
Cammie’s Story: Homeless, Unemployed, Parenting and Pregnant
Let’s be honest. Being pregnant it not always the happiest time of your life. It can be scary, especially when the pregnancy is unplanned or you are experiencing a crisis like not having a home, a job, ... [Read More]
The Merits of Meditation
The benefits of meditation range from a great ability to sleep peacefully to enhanced memory retention. The physical and mental benefits may be evident to anyone who regularly relies on deep breathing techniques (focused methods of breathing ... [Read More]
Challenge Your Views About Adopting from Foster Care
The Today Show “Parents” segment shared ’18 photos and 6 facts that could challenge views about adopting from foster care.’ CLICK HERE to read the article.
Adoption: Feels like a lot of hurry up and wait
by Meg Roetto, MSW, LMSW, LFCS Adoption Case Worker – Southwest Office Sometimes the adoption process can feel like a hurry up and wait process. During the home study process your time is filled with paperwork, interviews, ... [Read More]
A Small Act of Kindness Made Me Smile
~by Janice Raeber, Vice President – LFCS Foundation On my way in to work today, I decided to splurge and drove through McDonald’s for a vanilla iced coffee. When I reached window #1, I was told that ... [Read More]
Parenting and Keeping Your Relationship Alive
by LFCS Therapist, Elizabeth Flynn, MSW Raising children in this day and age is not for the faint of heart. You love them, but they can drive you to the point of crazy at any given time. ... [Read More]
What to do if your child is self-injuring
Blog by LFCS Therapist, Kelli Manoogian, MA, LPC Self-injury is a topic that is being brought up more frequently related to children and adolescents. Many parents are bewildered as to what self-injury is and how to address ... [Read More]
How should you talk to your kids about weight?
The best answer, according to the experts, is not at all. You may wonder why this is the advice. But, think about it – was it ever fun when your parents talked to you about your weight? ... [Read More]
First Time Parents Part 2: Dads
by LFCS Therapist, Tanya Lemmon, MSW, LCSW Last week I posted a blog on First Time Parents: Moms. Here’s another one with tips for first time dads! Thankfully, children do not come full grown! They grow one ... [Read More]
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