“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” In Hollywood playgrounds, it’s easy to spot the villain, because they’ll be bullying someone who can’t defend themselves. The hero immediately steps in to deliver justice, saying their ... [Read More]
The Differences Between Open & Closed Adoptions
What are Open, Closed, Semi-Open and Semi-Closed Adoptions? An open adoption is an adoption where all identifying information is shared between the biological parents and the adoptive family, including last names, addresses, phone numbers and birth dates. ... [Read More]
Missouri Adoptee Rights Act
Advocacy Happenings: The Missouri Adoptee Rights Act In May, the Missouri legislature passed HB1599, the Missouri Adoptee Rights Act, granting Missourians who were adopted between 1941 and 1986 access to their original birth certificates. While this law ... [Read More]
Upcoming Parenting Trainings
From Chaos to Calm: Why Behavior Modification Doesn’t Work with Our Kids, and What Does, pt 1 June 2 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm CDT Event Navigation « Hope for Healing Online Training Series, Part 5 ... [Read More]
Grief and Loss in Adoption
By Meg Roetta, MSW, LMSW Grief and loss is an abstract term that we tend to associate with death. Grief makes us uncomfortable; we can’t fix or make it all better. So our society tries to confine ... [Read More]
Understanding Embryo Adoption
Have you completed your family through in vitro fertilization (IVF)? Do you have frozen embryos in storage from those procedures? There are currently over 600,000 frozen embryos in storage in the United States. If you are one ... [Read More]
LSSI Announces Major Cuts
As many are aware, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois recently announced major cuts – with plans to close 30 programs and eliminate more than 750 positions (over 40% of their work force). Lutheran Social Services of Illinois ... [Read More]
Meet Jake
“Thank you so much, LFCS, for helping us with the most precious gift in the world!” Little Jake found a forever loving home, because of friends like you! Jake’s birth parents knew they were not in a ... [Read More]
Our Story of Embryo Adoption
My husband and I were married in May 2006 and became pregnant that September with our first child. Our beautiful, daughter Alyssa was born in May 2007 at 34 weeks and diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Emanuel ... [Read More]
Portraits of Grace: Older Children Needing Forever Homes
Portraits of Grace is a movable tower that showcases the older children who are available for adoption. These kids really need a forever home. If you are in the neighborhood, please come to our lobby on the ... [Read More]
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If you would like to learn more about our services or have questions about the process, please email [email protected] or call us at 314-787-5100 or 866-326-LFCS (5327).
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