Foster Care Provides Safety Net for 10,000 Missouri Children Yearly
Lutheran Family and Children’s Services addresses needs statewide for child & parent May is National Foster Care Awareness Month We often hear the term “most vulnerable” children. Who could be more worthy of this designation than the ... [Read More]
2015 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas (Adoption-Themed!)
Are you searching for the perfect Mother’s Day gift? Get inspired here! ‘Adoptive Families’ Magazine has put together a great Mother’s Day gift-giving directory, which presents a selection of heritage and adoption products. CLICK HERE to take ... [Read More]
Why is my child struggling in school?
If your child is struggling in school, it is important to look at the “big picture” and consider a number of possible factors. Perhaps you may think that your child is not trying hard enough or doesn’t ... [Read More]
LFCS Advocacy Week ~ April 20 – 27
What does advocacy mean to you? Advocacy: the opportunity to influence those you’ve elected into government office for the benefit of you and your community. You took the time to vote for these officials, so make sure ... [Read More]
Give STL Day May 5!
Mark your calendars for MAY 5! LFCS is once again participating in Give STL Day ~ a 24-hour online giving event with local impact! Give STL Day is a big, bold opportunity for us and for ... [Read More]
Were you Adopted or in Foster Care and Need Counseling?
If you were adopted or in foster care and are struggling with issues unique to these life experiences, LFCS can help! If you live in St. Louis County, this counseling is FREE. We can help you explore issues ... [Read More]
Do video games lead to violence?
This is an often debated question that deserves some consideration. After the Sandy Hook shootings in December 2012, President Obama urged that Congress find out about the connection between video games and gun violence, due to the ... [Read More]
Stressed? Don’t Forget to Take Care of YOU
Self-Care in times of high stress is one of the most important (not selfish) things you can do for yourself as well as for those around you. If you haven’t taken care of your inner self to ... [Read More]
Happy Easter
Easter is HERE! We look outside to see the beauty of God’s work in every beautiful flower and tree coming to life again. It is also a time to reflect on the many children in foster care ... [Read More]
Play Therapy at LFCS
Blog by Rose Schaedler, LFCS Therapist First, what is play therapy? According to the Association for Play Therapy, it is described as: “… a structured, theoretically based approach to therapy that builds on the normal communicative and ... [Read More]
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