Love Wins for Baby Mariah

Love Wins for Baby Mariah

Baby Mariah knows what it is to be loved. Her parents, Samantha and Drew shower her with affection and are committed to giving her a safe and stable childhood. But it hasn’t been an easy road. Samantha and Drew are just 20-years old. They met shortly after graduating...

Promise of Fatherhood

Fatherhood is traditionally summarized as providing for and protecting your children, but can dads be more than that? At LFCS, we see men taking very active roles in the upbringing of children and it’s inspiring. These men are biological dads, adoptive dads,...

Myths & Facts about Abuse

Bruises and broken bones are not the only indicators of abuse. Deep scars left by neglect or emotional abuse may go unseen, but have lasting impact. Breaking the cycle of abuse is needed for so many children, but first we need to know more about it. Here are some...