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LSSI Announces Major Cuts

As many are aware, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois recently announced major cuts – with plans to close 30 programs and eliminate more than 750 positions (over 40% of their work force).   Lutheran Social Services of Illinois ... [Read More]

LFCS Mentors

January is National Mentor Month At LFCS, our CALL and CHOICES mentor programs provide this valuable service to many young people throughout St. Louis. Our mentors work with children after school and all day throughout the summer ... [Read More]

Importance of exercise for children’s mental health

Do your children get enough exercise? It is important that children get adequate exercise in order to prevent physical health concerns and obesity. However, it is also extremely important for their mental health. It is recommended that ... [Read More]

Goodbye School, Hello Summer

It seems as though we have finally settled into our school year routines and then summer break jolts us into another transition. Camps, swim teams, vacation bible school and a litany of other activities replace the established ... [Read More]

Head Start Celebrates its 50th Birthday – LFCS Has Head Start Programming!

LFCS Hilltop Child Development Center 2015 Graduates! This year is an important milestone – 50th Birthday – for the Head Start program.  PBS Newshour highlighted the Head Start anniversary with its video, “What’s the legacy of Head ... [Read More]

What is Leadership?

Over 3,000 kids (and growing) participate in LFCS’ Youth Development Programs — programs like CHOICES, CALL and STEP-Up that provide children and teens in our community with training, skills and opportunities to be their best. What do the youth get out ... [Read More]
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