Childhood Obesity

Childhood Obesity

By Glenna Weis, PhD & Peter Jaberg, PhD Childhood obesity is a national problem as illustrated by 9 million children who were overweight as of 2010. Although there are many associated physical ailments, emotional aspects are often overlooked.  Further...

Anxiety in Children

Some worrying and anxiety is a normal part of childhood, especially as it relates to specific times in development. Perhaps your young child is afraid of the dark, spiders, or storms. These are common fears that likely do not greatly impact their everyday lives....


What is Mindfulness and why does it matter? Why did Time Magazine do a cover story on it recently? Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to what is happening in the present moment, with a non-judgmental attitude. It is a conscious effort to be fully aware of the...

What is Mental Illness?

Mental illnesses are medical conditions that can alter a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, relationships and daily functioning. Like diabetes or heart disease, mental illness is a medical condition that can result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary...
Meet Tony: An LFCS School Counseling Client

Meet Tony: An LFCS School Counseling Client

Tony was referred to school counseling to address his problematic behavior issues in the classroom. He found himself in the office frequently, and was facing grade retention if he continued to be suspended for his behavior. Like many children, Tony had feelings that...