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Families Waiting to Adopt

Below are a few of our families who are waiting to adopt a child.

If you are considering the option of adoption and are interested in learning more about any of these families or other families pursing adoption through LFCS, please contact us today.

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We hope that with our adoption profile, you get to know us enough to know how grateful we are for the courage and love you have for your baby. If you choose us, we are very excited about a chance to meet you and are happy to answer any questions you may have. We would be thrilled to welcome you and your child into our family and hope and pray that you will be able to find peace with whatever decision you make.

Theresa & Ryan

We have always dreamed of being parents, even before we were married. After six years of infertility we welcomed our first child, Hannah, into our family through adoption. We greatly desire to expand our family and know that Hannah will be the best big sister. We cannot understand how difficult your decision is, but we know that we will be forever be bonded with you. We can’t promise you that we will be perfect parents, but we will always unconditionally love this child and honor their family background. We are excited to walk in this journey with you.

Nathan & Laura

We have always wanted to build our family through adoption. I think it sets us apart because for our family, adoption is our first choice. Our views on adoption are so positive – having a biological child only makes us respect it more. We’ve been on the same side as you, and truly understand why its a decision made from love. Thank you for reading our profile and imagining what life could be like with our family.

Eric & Rebekah

Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile to learn more about our family! We can imagine this is an overwhelming process for you, and quite possibly the biggest decision you have ever had to make. We hope to have a fairly open relationship with birth families, and to communicate several times a year. We truly do believe that the more love a child can have, the better their lives will be. We see this first-hand with the involvement from friends and family, birth and adoptive, in our lives now. We have been praying for you and the decisions you are facing. Thank you for giving us a chance to be part of your lives.

Brian & Melissa

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We’re proud of your strength and deep love for your child as you consider adoption. No matter your decision, you’re a hero! We hope that you feel supported and loved wherever you are in your life.

Our hearts are wide open. There’s nothing we want more than the opportunity to love a child deeply and completely through every stage of life.

We’re praying for you and are excited for you to learn a little about us.

Bryan & Lauren

We are so humbled to have the opportunity to share our hearts with you and we would be honored to know you and learn more about your dreams for your child. We hope that through this profile you will be able to see our love for each other and the love we have to share with our future child. Thank you so much for your willingness to learn more about us!


I can’t promise perfection, but… I will be a mother who nurtures her child. I will be affectionate, silly, and creative. There will be unending hugs and adventures. I will be a safe place for my child to run to with any problem or hurt. I will model integrity and kindness. I will love fiercely and support whatever wonderful dreams my child can imagine.

Nathan & Meredith

You are bringing into the world a life that has unlimited possibilities and we want to acknowledge that you will make a world of difference in many peoples’ lives. We are honored that you are considering us to be part of this journey and your child’s future. Our hope is to share with you the caring, loving, and joyful home we have built for growing our family.

Jose & Elena

We want you to know how we feel so blessed you are taking the time to get to know us. We hope that you will see not only our love for each other and our families, but also, the love we will provide for your child, and also for you.

We vow to you that we will love your baby and remind them every day how their birth mother sacrificially loved them and secured their future with us. We consider your decision a true treasure, and we are also praying that God provides immeasurable comfort to you.

Travis & Kari

We are Travis and Kari. As you look through our profile and see the family your child may be joining, we hope that you see a couple who loves each other endlessly and a large extended family who is excited and supportive to welcome a new child into the family through adoption. We want you to know you are thought of and prayed for daily. Your decision is not an easy one and we hope you can find peace in knowing how much love we have for your child.

Tyler & Kashea

Hello, we are Tyler and Kashea and we thank you for taking the time to learn more about our family. We are ready to give our unconditional love to a child and to expand our family through adoption! We promise to love your child unconditionally, and raise them in a Christian home, support them, and take them on many adventures.

Brian & Jess

We are humbled that you would consider us as an option to be adoptive parents. We hope and pray that as you look through these pages, you will see the love and joy that we have for each other. We have prayed for you and understand that this decision is brave and difficult. We have so much love to give a child and know that adoption is the way we are called to grow our family. We are praying for you as you make this decision, and pray that God’s overwhelming peace would surround you during this season of your life.

Jared & Cayla

We are Jared and Cayla. Thank you for taking a moment to get to know us. We want to extend our love and gratitude to you during this time and want to thank you for exploring all options and choosing life for your baby. We pray that throughout this journey YOU feel LOVE, SUPPORT, COMFORT and PEACE. Just as you have already shown the tremendous love you have for your baby by considering adoption.

Christian & Bridget

We want to start off by saying thank you for your love and commitment to your child. We are empathetic to what you are and have been going through and will never fully understand your situation, but we want you to know that we are grateful for you. Our hope is this child will have an amazing life full of so much love and support. They will always know how much we love them, and will show this every single day of their life.

Adam & Katie

Thank you for honoring us by considering us to be parents to your child. We can only imagine the difficult decisions you’re facing. Your strength, integrity, and the love you have for your child could not be more obvious. We respect you so much. We pray continually for you, for ease of anxiety, and for hope. Adoption has always been in our hearts, not because we are incomplete without a child, but because we want to raise and adore and care for a child. As you look through our book and see the family your child might be joining, I hope you see a life of laughter and love, one of family and connection, one of adventure, and exploration and faith. We promise that your child will be deeply loved, hugged daily, encouraged and challenged, and celebrated. They will also know their story, their history, and how much you love them.

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If you would like to learn more about our services or have questions about the process, please email [email protected] or call us at 866-326-LFCS (5327).

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Received Placement

Lee & Robin

Brian & Karli

Aaron & Katie

Spencer & Anna

Issac & Jessica

Brittney & Drew