Society and the media often promote negative social norms in regards to substance abuse. As a result, children and teens can be misinformed on the subject. They often overestimate the number of people who use drugs. Young people may also relate drug use to being acceptable or even cool. These perceptions can undermine a child’s sense of safety, autonomy, belonging, and hope for the future. They can also increase the likelihood that a young person will use drugs.
Reinforcing positive norms can correct these misconceptions teaches children to be resilient and to ultimately make choices to live drug-free. LFCS uses an evidence-based program called Too Good for Drugs to introduce a series of skills that will prepare kids to make healthy choice and resist unhealthy behaviors. Below are some examples of what we teach.
Positive Norms about Drug-Free Living 
My family and community expect me to be drug free.
I am unique and special. It is important to be myself.
I know how to resist negative peer pressure.
I can find many ways o have fun without using drugs.
Stress is normal; I am learning healthy ways to relax.
Taking care of my body will help me stay healthy
I can participate in decisions that affect my life.
I can show I am grown up by using self-control and mastering many skills.
I am learning many ways to get what I want and need without using tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.
I am valued as someone who is learning to make important contributions to my family and community.
I am connected to my family and community. What I do affects other people who care about me.