What if I told you that we could put an end to the foster care crisis today? Think about that. What if in a matter of months we could get EVERY foster child in the United States with a family? On top of that, what if we could appropriately support all of the country’s foster parents?
Did you know that there are approximately 400,000 children in foster care on any given day and that there are approximately 400,000 churches in the United States? That means that if every church in the United States took responsibility for just ONE foster child, the foster crisis would end. There would be no kids without families. There would be no kids sleeping in offices because the caseworker’s can’t find placement. There would be no child that feels unwanted, unlovable, or unworthy of a family.
Now what if I told you that this model of care was not an original idea and that it was, in fact, an ancient idea. What if I told you that this model of care was a Biblical mandate? James 1:27 says that caring for orphans and widows is the definition of religion in its purest form.
When we rely on the government to be the solution to a crisis that was designed to be the church’s responsibility, the system will remain broken. Until we can mobilize our churches to answer the call of foster care, we will never see change.
The beauty of this divine design is that a very small percentage of people actually have to be foster parents. However, the entire congregation needs to be involved in some way. Whether providing respite, helping with transportation, assisting with meal prep, financially supporting, or partnering in prayer, the congregational wraparound services are essential to the successful implementation of this Biblical re-work of foster care.
Although it is a lofty goal, if we fall short of our Biblical mandate, the church is not operating to its fullest potential. The body of Christ is essential to healing the spirits of the broken; the body of Christ is essential to the restoration of America’s modern day orphans; and it is the body of Christ that should be leading the charge in this full-on spiritual battle.
Can you join LFCS in conquering the foster care crisis? Click here to learn more.