Pregnancy Frequently Asked Questions

May 12, 2014 | Blog

How do I receive services?
Just call LFCS and our friendly intake specialist will answer your immediate questions. They will determine which program best meets your needs. If you desire, a social worker will be assigned to meet with you to learn more about you and your situation and to talk with you about how we can help.

No one knows about my pregnancy. Can I still receive services?
All of our services are confidential. Appointments can be scheduled to take place at our office, in clients’ homes, or at designated community locations. We cannot share information about you with any other parties without your permission. If someone were to call and ask if you are receiving our services, we would simply share with them that we are not allowed to confirm or deny whether the named person is a client, and that we cannot give any information about our clients without their permission.

What if I am pregnant and undecided whether to parent or place my baby for adoption?
Many pregnant women who seek our services are undecided about whether to parent or place their baby for adoption. We understand that this is big decision to be faced with and can impact your life and the life of your family in so many ways. Our social workers are here for you. They can support you and provide neutral, unbiased counseling, as well as offer you information on your options so that you can make the decision that is best for you.

What if I change my mind?
We understand that a lot of factors must be considered and weighed when making a plan for your child. When faced with such an important decision, it is expected that you may change your mind from time to time. For pregnant women who consider adoption it is often said that it is a decision that needs to be made twice-once before you deliver, and once again after delivery. The plan is not final until you terminate your parental rights. Once you terminate your rights, your decision is final and is irreversible. The caring social workers at LFCS will support you during your pregnancy, and after you deliver whether you decide to parent your baby, or make a plan of adoption.

How much will this cost?
Our services are provided free of charge. If you decide to place your baby for adoption, our agency will assist you with reasonable medical costs associated with delivery. If you do not choose adoption, you have no financial obligation to our agency.

Does the father of my baby have to be involved?
We offer services to pregnant and parenting women and their families. Expectant fathers and fathers are also eligible for services. Regardless of the relationship you have with your baby’s father, we can work with you. All of our services are voluntary, however if you are considering adoption, there are steps that expectant fathers will have to take, in order to ensure a safe and legal adoption plan. If an expectant father does not wish to be involved, a plan of adoption can still be made.

Do I need my parents’ permission?
Your decision to receive services is a private one, and one that does not require your parent’s permission.

How is an adoptive family selected for my baby?
For many women who are considering adoption, it can feel like so much is out of their control. With adoption we encourage our clients to be as involved as they wish. A person making an adoption plan can take part in selecting the adoptive family and can determine the degree of contact, if any, they want with the adoptive family. At LFCS our adoptive families are a variety of races, ages, and religions. You can visit our website to see some of the families who are waiting to adopt.

Do I have to be Lutheran to receive services from LFCS?
No, you do not need to be Lutheran to receive services. Over 80% of the clients we serve are not Lutheran. Services are open to all regardless of race, faith, national origin, gender, or age.

I do not live in metropolitan city or large town, can I still receive help?
LFCS is a statewide agency and serves clients throughout the state of Missouri. We have four offices to serve you. We can even make a visit to your home.

Greater St. Louis Area

Mid-Missouri Area

Southeast Missouri Area

Southwest Missouri Area

Toll free 1-866-326-LFCS