Advocate for Yourself

Mar 1, 2022 | Blog

Advocating for personal needs is a healthy way to feel empowered and confident. The Merriam-Webster gives insight of what it means to advocate: to plead the cause of another; to defend or maintains a cause or proposal; to support or promote the interests of a cause or group.

Rather than being a bystander, we can be active participants in making the changes we want in life.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotions can paralyze our own thought process.  As a result, we feel like there is nothing we can do about our needs other than to wish things were different. This outlook can drive a person to feel like a victim of their circumstances. The good news is that we can change by believing in the power that lives within us to advocate for our own wellness. Truthfully, the only change we can control is within ourselves.

Here are three ways we can be our own advocates:

1. Become aware of your needs. Issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, outburst of anger, or irritability may indicate an unmet need. In your exploration, ask yourself, is it a need to:

  • be loved or belong?
  • feel  autonomous?
  • be accepted?
  • be listened to or feel understood?
  • have our belief’s affirmed?
  • feel another’s touch?
  • rest?
  • feel beautiful?
  • for purpose or meaning?

2. Become resourceful to meet your needs. To be resourceful means to have the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties. Ask yourself:

  • What do I have within me and around me that can help me with my need?
  • What can I do with my gifts, talents, skills and resources to address this need?
  • Who can I talk to that has wisdom and knowledge in this area?
  • Where can I go or look into that will help me with this particular need?

3. Plan and action to meet my need. Target your particular need and allocated the various resources to meet it. Take action and engage in self-advocacy!