For over three years, LFCS and other organizations and individuals concerned about the well-being of kids in Cape Girardeau County have been meeting as the ‘Putting Kids First Coalition.’
In 2011 the coalition commissioned a formal needs assessment to uncover the real unmet needs of children in Cape Girardeau County. The results were disturbing, showing that over 500 children and youth went without necessary psychiatric services, and 131 homeless youth were attending Cape Girardeau County schools. In the years since, the number of homeless children reported by the local schools grew to over 240. In looking for solutions to these troubling statistics, the Putting Kids First Coalition began work toward a Community Children’s Services Fund in Cape Girardeau County. A successful petition campaign was held in the fall of 2013, gathering the signatures needed to place the initiative on the ballot.
On August 5, 2014 citizens in Cape Girardeau County will have the opportunity to take action on behalf of the children in our county by casting their vote in favor of Proposition K – Pro Kid.
Here is a local news article addressing the needs in Cape County and the Pro Kid campaign:
Check out the Putting Kids First website at
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