Find My Birth Family

Let us help you find your birth family.

LFCS can help those searching for information regarding an adoption that occurred in Missouri. LFCS maintains both our own records and those of Provident Counseling (a.k.a. Family and Children’s Services).  The following documents outline a step-by-step process to assist you as you search for biological parent(s) and family members. All search requests must be in writing and persons must be 18 years of age or older to request a search.

Informational Search Letter

Request of Adopted Adult 

LFCS Privacy Practices

Missouri Adoption Law FAQ

Missouri Adoption Information Registry

Search Related Information

For questions or additional information please call 866-326-LFCS (5327) or email us today.

Please note:  All information concerning an adoption finalized in Missouri is protected by state law.  As of August 28, 2011, the consent of the adoptive parents to search is no longer required.